We carry a full line of supplements and vitamins.
We treat the root problem instead of treating the symptom by leveraging technology.
We serve the whole body.
Meridian Stress Assessment
Proven in clinical trials, Energy Balancer, is designed to restore the body’s energy and balance.
Barefoot Massage
Barefoot Massage is an overall term for when the FEET are used as tools to offer professional massage techniques. Gravity enables the pressure to be 3x more than traditional hand massage techniques. The feet cover a larger surface area and give you the most comfortable deep massage you can imagine. Our techniques reduce stress, pain, and muscle tension.
Heart Sound Recording
This technology allows us to pinpoint vitamins and supplements that your body may be lacking or receiving too much of. Contact us to learn more about the Heart Sound Recorder and our process.
Nutritional Consultation / Exercise Programs
To discuss client needs for anything from weight loss to overall health for anyone at any age.
Supplements and Vitamins
We carry a wide array of supplements and vitamins including brands like: Standard Process and DesBio. Check out the Systems-Based Approach.
Biomeridian Testing
Biomeridian testing is a noninvasive method used to assess the energy meridians of the body, and it can tell you the functional status of your meridians and the nutrition that is designed to your specific condition. Speak with us to learn more.
Thermography Scanning
Thermography is a non-invasive, non-contact procedure and can be used safely overtime to find inflammation, lymphatic congestion, thyroid disease, and breast cancer.
Thermography is supported by more than 800 peer-reviewed studies encompassing more than 300,000 participants. Providing full scans without contact, radiation, and pain for a safe and effective means of screening for breast health.
Breast Thermography Scanning captures detailed infrared images of the blood vessel patterns, temperatures and dynamic response of breast tissue “which may be among the earliest signs of breast cancer” according to the US National Cancer Institute. Thermology (the study) is supported by more than 800 peer-reviewed studies encompassing more than 300,000 participants.
When you and your physician include Thermology (the study) into your own program for breast health, you have taken the single most effective step to ensure that you completely understand your risk.
Thermology is an ideal screening tool for women of all ages and for: Dense breasts, Fibrocystic breasts, Implants, Small or large breasts, Breast reduction, Pregnant or nursing, and Lumpectomy or mastectomy.
Read more about Breast Thermography Here.
Heart Sound Recording
A Heart Sound Recording is a computer-based general wellness cardiac stress monitor to observe heart sounds. A specialized microphone is placed over each of the four-valve areas of the heart to graph sound and movements of the heart rate, rhythm, and tone.
What can this test determine?
Whether your heart function is optimal
If your body’s chemistry is balanced
If your body’s nutritional deficiencies are causing stress on your heart
Overall motor nerve support and blood viscosity
Specific nutritional support your body is requiring
Examine whether or not your body is receiving the proper nutritional balance it needs
In addition to all of our services we have a full line of vitamins and supplements.
During your visit we will recommend specific vitamins and supplements that will work for you based on your needs. Our products are available in our office.